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發布時間: 2024-04-24 20:30:29

A. intend to do與intend doing有什麼區別

首先我們來看下intend to do和intend doing的大致意思:

intend to do:詞性為動詞短語,intend to do是指某人有意、打算或計劃去做某件事情,通常表示一個具體的意圖或目標。

intend doing:詞性為動詞短語,intend doing是指某人計劃或意圖進行某個行為,並且通過這個行為來達到某個目標。

通過下面的表格我們了解下intend to do和intend doing的含義、發音和用法

接下來讓我們看下intend to do和intend doing的用法區別:

1.語法結構:intend to do後面跟不定式形式的動詞,而intend doing後面跟動名詞形式的動詞。


- I intend to watch a movie.


- I intend to go for a run tomorrow morning.


- She intends to study English.


2.意圖或目標:intend to do著重表示具體的意圖或目標,而intend doing強調通過某個行為來實現目標。


- He intends to buy a car next year.


- I intend to do well in this course.


- She intends to work hard for a promotion.


3.動作的完成與否:intend to do強調打算或計劃去做某事,但不一定會實際完成,而intend doing強調打算進行某個行為並且有意完成。


- I intend to go shopping tomorrow, but I might cancel the plan e to work.


- He intends to go for a run every morning and stick to it.


- She intends to study French, but she might not have enough time.


4.謂語動詞的不同:intend to do後面可以跟任何能夠使用不定式形式的謂語動詞,而intend doing後面只能跟動名詞形式的謂語動詞。


- I intend to travel.


- He intends to try new dishes.


- She intends to change her career.


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